奥田雄太個展「With Gratitude」
Art Gallery Isetan Main Building 6F / Tokyo, Japan
Yuta Okuda’s solo exhibition will be held at Isetan Shinjuku 6F ART GALLERY from October 12 to November 1.
The theme of this exhibition is “with gratitude.” The works in this exhibition were created with the hope that the viewers of his works will feel as positive and refreshed as he did when he realized that what he took for granted was actually a special event and became grateful for the things he took for granted. I hope that the viewers of these works will feel the same positive attitude.
We hope you will visit the exhibition hall and feel as refreshed and positive as possible.
Artist in the gallery: 10/12, 15, 23, 11/1
*10/12 will be open until the end of the day.
Yuta Okuda @okudayuta
For inquiries about the list of works, please contact the following e-mail address.
Isetan Shinjuku 6F ART GALLERY Contact.
Yuta Okuda Solo Exhibition
with gratitude
2022.10.12(wed.) – 11.1(tue.)
10:00 – 20:00 [last day closing at 18:00] Isetan Shinjuku Main Bldg. 6F Art Gallery
3-14-1 Shinjuku, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo 160-0022, Japan Tel: 03-3352-1111
Yuta Okuda のSolo Exhibitionが伊勢丹新宿6F ART GALLERYにて10/12〜11/1まで開催されます。
「with gratitude」というテーマ今回の作品群は、コロナをきっかけに、当たり前と感じていたことが実は特別な出来事だったと気づき、今ある当たり前に感謝することでとても前向きになる自分がいると感じ、作品を鑑賞する人も少しでも同じように晴れやかで気持ちで前向きになって欲しいという思いから生まれた作品群です。
作家在廊日: 10/12、15、23、11/1
奥田雄太 @okudayuta
伊勢丹新宿 6F ART GALLERY 担当者宛
奥田雄太 個展
「with gratitude」
2022.10.12(wed.) – 11.1(tue.)
10:00 – 20:00 [最終日 18:00 終了] 伊勢丹新宿店 本館 6F アートギャラリー
〒160-0022東京都新宿区新宿3-14-1 Tel:03-3352-1111(代表)
奥田裕太个展将于 10 月 12 日至 11 月 1 日在伊势丹新宿 6F ART GALLERY 举行。
本次展览的主题是 “心怀感恩”。 我们创作这些作品的目的是希望观众也能感受到我们的积极态度。
艺术家在画廊:10 月 12、15、23 日,11 月 1 日。
奥田裕太 @okudayuta
伊势丹新宿 6F ART GALLERY 联系。
2022.10.12(周三) – 11.1(周二)
10:00 – 20:00 [最后一天 18:00 闭馆] 伊势丹新宿本馆 6F 美术展览室
160-0022 东京都新宿区新宿 3 丁目 3-14-1 电话:03-3352-1111(总机)