KAN-SHA BOUQUET! by Yuta Okuda

GOCA, a newly opened gallery in Chelsea, New York, will present “KAN-SHA BOUQUET!”, Yuta Okuda’s first solo exhibition in the United States in three years.
After studying fashion design in Japan and England, Yuta Okuda worked as a designer for the fashion brand TAKEO KIKUCHI before becoming an artist in 2016. He has been building up his career.
This exhibition, which will be presented in two parts in one and two phases, will be more conscious of his concept of circulation by dividing Yuta Okuda’s worldview into “flowers” and “living creatures,” and his colorful colors and fine lines will make the viewer feel positive.
Okuda believes that by knowing that the commonplace events we feel now are very precious and special, we can appreciate the present and live positively.
We hope that people who see this work will look forward with a clearer feeling than now.
Title: KAN-SHA BOUQUET! by Yuta Okuda
Dates: January 30, 2025 – March 15, 2025
Address: 515 W 23rd St, New York, NY 10011
Website: https://www.goca.gallery/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/goca.gallery/
ニューヨークのチェルシーに新しくオープンしたギャラリー「GOCA」では、奥田雄太のアメリカでは3年ぶりとなる個展「KAN-SHA BOUQUET!」を開催する。
日本とイギリスでファッションデザインを学んだ奥田雄太は、ファッションブランド「TAKEO KIKUCHI」のデザイナーを経て、2016年にアーティストに転身。キャリアを積んできた。
タイトル 奥田雄太『KAN-SHA BOUQUET!』
日程 2025年1月30日~3月15日
住所 515 W 23rd St, New York, NY 10011
位于纽约切尔西的新画廊 GOCA 将举办奥田雄太三年来在美国的首次个展 “KAN-SHA BOUQUET!”。
奥田裕太曾在日本和英国学习时装设计,后在时装品牌 TAKEO KIKUCHI 担任设计师,2016 年成为一名艺术家。他一直在建立自己的事业。
本次展览将分一期和二期两部分展出,奥田雄太将自己的世界观分为 “花 ”和 “生物”,更有意识地表达了他的循环概念,缤纷的色彩和细腻的线条会让观者感受到积极向上的力量。
标题: 关社宴会!》 奥田雄太
日期:2025 年 1 月 30 日至 3 月 15 日 2025 年 1 月 30 日至 2025 年 3 月 15 日
地址:515 W 23rd St, New York 纽约州纽约市西 23 街 515 号 邮编:10011
网站: https://www.goca.gallery/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/goca.gallery/